Sunday, November 11, 2007

GTD at work - I hate Dells!

Microsoft Office 2007 isn't so bad. It's my Dell computer that runs like a snail that is hell! And all the crashing and bugs.

I used the GTD Outlook Plug In to much success for a few months at work. I did have some problems:

:: No way to archive completed projects (with their record of emails and tasks. I had to use a complicated "Somedayed Projects" work around which messed up all my Someday stuff, and confused my master project list)

:: Confusion over saving emails to projects or inbox folders, and annoyance of having to do both.

:: Snooze button is great, but emails should come to TOP of inbox when they reappear!

:: Weekly Review is annoying because each project has to be opened individually via the GTD menu to get a full idea of the review.

And the final straw: loading problems! I deleted some stuff on my work computer - I thought they were excess program - and now there is a LOADom and Active X loading error. I am an idiot - but honestly, it was running at such a snail's pace anyway I dreaded using it.

Plus, this system can't be integrated with my home GTD system. At first, I was happy to keep a separate home system - settling for syncing of my outlook work calendar to a google (personal) calendar. But my home system is lacking - suffering - and I believe David Allen recommends combining the home and the work system! He has written in this great article on whether to have two separate systems: "The individual art of this for each of you is to create as many lists as you need, and as few lists as you can get away with."

1 comment:

Lara said...

Hey Emily,

Thanks for your comments, what a compliment that someone who doesn't know me is interested! What happened to your blog? It's an intriguing start, did you find enlightenment already?!